This is the {{disambig}} template.

Important: Please do not SUBST: this template.

This is a general-purpose template, to be placed at the bottom of any article that exists to help readers find other articles with the same or similar names. This concept is called disambiguation and is used with many common words, such as cross, life and work. This template automatically adds articles to the Category:Disambiguation.

In the event that the page title is causing an error, such as what happened at ***, add the parameter: |page-title = page title . Thus, the *** page would use the syntax: {{disambig |page-title = ***}} .

Variant templates ਸੋਧੋ

For disambiguation pages requiring cleanup, use {{disambig-cleanup}}.

More specific, alternative templates exist, for disambiguation pages or set index articles whose entries are limited exclusively to items of a particular type.

Parameters ਸੋਧੋ

If a general dab page includes more than one item in any of the above classes, then {{disambig}} should still be used, but parameters can be added in order to place the page additionally into the above categories. Parameters are as follows (they may also be combined, in any order):

For those who can't remember the name ਸੋਧੋ

For those who can't remember how the name is abbreviated, the {{disambiguation}}, {{disamb}} and {{dab}} templates all redirect to {{disambig}}.

See also ਸੋਧੋ