This template is used to create a world choropleth map where certain countries are highlighted as needed.



Note: In the editor preview the graph extension creates a canvas element with vector graphics. However, when saving the page a PNG raster graphics is generated instead.

Sub templates


{{Highlighted world map by country|IN=red}}

More countries

Because of Lua functionality, you can now make maps with numerical values and sliding color scales.

Template code
{{Graph:Highlighted world map by country | scale = 100 | projection = conicEqualArea | colorScale = category10 | domainMin = 1000 | domainMax = 1500000 | defaultValue = red | scaleType = log | legend = yes | AE=8442 | AF=28398 | AL=3150 | AM=2963 | AO=19549 | AR=40374 | AT=8402 | AU=22404 | AZ=9095 | BA=3846 | BD=151125 | BE=10941 | BF=15540 | BG=7389 | BI=9233 | BJ=9510 | BN=401 | BO=10157 | BR=195210 | BS=360 | BT=717 | BW=1969 | BY=9491 | BZ=309 | CA=34126 | CD=62191 | CF=4350 | CG=4112 | CH=7831 | CI=18977 | CL=17151 | CM=20624 | CN=1359821 | CO=46445 | CR=4670 | CU=11282 | CY=1104 | NORTHERN_CYPRUS=313 | CZ=10554 | DE=83017 | DJ=834 | DK=5551 | DO=10017 | DZ=37063 | EC=15001 | EE=1299 | EG=78076 | EH=515 | ER=5741 | ES=46182 | ET=87095 | FI=5368 | FJ=861 | FK=3 | FR=63231 | GA=1556 | GB=62066 | GE=4389 | GH=24263 | GL=57 | GM=1681 | GN=10876 | GQ=696 | GR=11110 | GT=14342 | GW=1587 | GY=786 | HN=7621 | HR=4338 | HT=9896 | HU=10015 | ID=240676 | IE=4468 | IL=7420 | IN=1205625 | IQ=30962 | IR=74462 | IS=318 | IT=60509 | JM=2741 | JO=6455 | JP=127353 | KE=40909 | KG=5334 | KH=14365 | KP=24501 | KOSOVO = 1895 | KR=48454 | KW=2992 | KZ=15921 | LA=6396 | LB=4341 | LK=20759 | LR=3958 | LS=2009 | LT=3068 | LU=508 | LV=2091 | LY=6041 | MA=31642 | MD=3573 | ME=620 | MG=21080 | MK=2102 | ML=13986 | MM=51931 | MN=2713 | MR=3609 | MW=15014 | MX=117886 | MY=28276 | MZ=23967 | NA=2179 | NC=246 | NE=15894 | NG=159708 | NI=5822 | NL=16615 | NO=4891 | NP=26846 | NZ=4368 | OM=2803 | PA=3678 | PE=29263 | PG=6859 | PH=93444 | PK=173149 | PL=38199 | PR=3710 | PS=4013 | PT=10590 | PY=6460 | QA=1750 | RO=21861 | RS=9647 | RU=143618 | RW=10837 | SA=27258 | SB=526 | SD=35652 | SE=9382 | SI=2054 | SK=5433 | SL=5752 | SN=12951 | SO=9636 | SOMALILAND=3500 | SR=525 | SS=9941 | SV=6218 | SY=21533 | SZ=1193 | TD=11721 | TG=6306 | TH=66402 | TJ=7627 | TL=1079 | TM=5042 | TN=10632 | TR=72138 | TT=1328 | TW=23146 | TZ=44973 | UA=46050 | UG=33987 | US=312247 | UY=3372 | UZ=27769 | VE=29043 | VN=89047 | VU=236 | YE=22763 | ZA=51452 | ZM=13217 | ZW=13077 }}

Map of Japan Airlines destinations

{{JAL destmap|scale=100}} ਫਰਮਾ:JAL destmap