ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ:Amire80/ਲੰਬਾੲੀ ਲੰਬਾਈ

The first word in the title of this page is "ਲੰਬਾੲੀ", which is the title of the redirect page ਲੰਬਾੲੀ. It ends with a combination of ੲ (U+0A72 GURMUKHI IRI) and ੀ (U+0A40 GURNUKHI VOWEL SIGN II), two Unicode codepoints.

The second word in the title of this page is "ਲੰਬਾਈ", which is the title of the page ਲੰਬਾਈ. It ends with the character is ਈ (U+0A08 GURMUKHI LETTER II), a single Unicode codepoint.

The strings have a similar appearance, but the characters are definitely different, and I also see a small difference in appearance. I (Amir E. Aharoni) don't know what's correct according to the standard Punjabi spelling.